Going back to work after time out

going back to work after time out

What will you want to consider if you are thinking of returning to work?

Reasons for returning to work

There are lots of important questions to consider: Why are you returning to work and what do you want to get out of it? Is it out of necessity and/or for the money or is it for mental stimulation, a challenge or perhaps to have some camaraderie now the children are at full-time school? Is it to enable you to share the workload and improve your work-life balance? Is it to regain some financial independence? Each person will have their own specific reasons for returning to work. It is important to give these questions a lot of thought to help focus your job-hunting efforts.

Full-time or part-time?

Some people may not have a choice but to work full time. Others, however, will weigh up the pros and cons of full or part-time work. If going back to work is largely to regain part of the ‘old you’, to boost your self-esteem, make new friends or for stimulation, then money might not be such a burning issue. If so, there’s an opportunity to try something completely new or to retrain perhaps. I often tell clients that those of us who have taken time out to look after their children are actually pretty fortunate in having a natural career break and the opportunity to rethink their future.

Some types of work to consider

  • Retraining as a teacher/previously full-time teachers working part-time or becoming a classroom assistant.

  • Property development.

  • Setting up a specialist mail order company - one of my clients sells olive oils, another leather goods.

  • Becoming a student – part-time distant learning courses enable you to manage the family and retrain at the same time.

  • Developing a dormant passion or talent - one client was always creative but never used her skills until recently she decided to paint modern art to order to suit people’s home interiors.

  • Domestic cleaning – maybe join forces with a friend and set up a cleaning company.

  • Retail – it has flexible hours.

For more advice on returning to work or a career change, contact Helen Slingsby at Career Breakthrough.


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